400 flights daily
and performing
900 checks
About Us
Our Services
Line Maintenance
As a leading provider of line maintenance services at all airports in Vietnam, VAECO perceives every minute that an aircraft is on the ground as a loss of potential airline revenue. Our line...
Base Maintenance
We perform Base Maintenance in 06 hangars for both narrow and wide-body aircraft in accordance with the strict requirements of customers and following certification of CAAV, FAA, EASA, CAAP, SSCA…...
Tools & Materials Supply
VAECO provides the spare parts, component and tooling for loaning and materials for selling for aircraft: ATR72 A320 and A320 NEO family. A330/A350. B737/ B777/B787. VAECO has a multi-function material...
Cabin Maintenance
Cabin reconfigurations and retrofit programs VAECO has performed cabin reconfigurations and retrofit programs on Airbus wide-body and narrow-body Vietnam Airlines aircraft since we started our heavy...
Technical Training
One of the important factors contributing to the success of VAECO is high-quality human resources. As human resources play an important and prerequisite role, VAECO must train its own human...
Additional Technical Services
Calibration and Testing Services. Calibration Laboratories of VAECO have applied quality management system ISO/IEC 17025 and have been recognized by the Vietnam Bureau of Accreditation (BoA), coded as VILAS...
VAECO currently has over 2800 full-time personnel working 42 hours per week. More than 1800 employees work directly on aircraft maintenance and 800 employees are licensed engineers qualified to work on different types of aircraft such as the A320, A321, A330, B777, ATR-72, and F70.
Our AOG (Aircraft on ground) team is ready to provide 24 hour assistance throughout the year utilizing our best technical support staffs.